Description of the scope of training
The “Software Engineering and Software Production” specialization in the Applied Computer Science major prepares the graduate for key management roles related to software production in large softwarehouse teams. This learning path focuses on creating a programmer-manager who can not only solve complex technological problems, but also efficiently manage large teams of programmers, collaborate on multi-team programming projects and work within the stream of modern IT project management methods. The learning program for this specialization has been carefully designed so that the graduate acquires not only knowledge and skills in software design and development, but also extensive competencies related to IT project management. Graduates will be capable of effectively coordinating the activities of programming teams and successfully executing complex programming projects. In addition, the specialization focuses on the security of computer systems in software production.
What will you learn?
Graduates will receive specialized and in-depth knowledge of secure coding and secure application development. This is a unique opportunity to expand the skills of a programmer-manager to include key aspects of ensuring the security of computer systems during software production. Through this specialization, the graduate will develop comprehensive skills, both technical and managerial, which will enable them to play an effective leadership role in large software projects. The graduate will be ready to take on the challenges of developing secure, efficient, and innovative IT solutions.
Your educational pathway
- Advanced methods of software engineering
- Applying CASE tools
- Computer systems security in software production
- Agile methods of IT project management
- Work experience (in Software engineer and software production)
Future job prospects
A graduate of the Software engineer and software production specialization is prepared to work in the following positions:
- Programming Team Leader
- Designer – Developer
- Wide-area Systems Analyst
- Manager in so-called IT integrator companies
- Development of entrepreneurship, protection of industrial property and copyright 2 ECTS 2 ECTS
- English - Professional English for 3 ECTS
- Corporate Social Responsibility 1 ECTS
- E-business/Industry Concept 2 ECTS
- Computing systems in IT 4 ECTS
- Logic for IT professionals 4 ECTS
- Advanced databases and data warehousing 4 ECTS
- Mobile systems 4 ECTS
- Application of neural networks 4 ECTS
- Advanced machine learning methods 4 ECTS
- Computer aided decision making 4 ECTS
- Cyber Security 4 ECTS
- Computer Science and industry 3 ECTS
- Work experience 15 ECTS
- Learning path (including master's thesis) 15 ECTS
The reasons to study Computer Science at the WSZiB in Cracow

Real graduate studies

Different educational paths

Certified teachers and practitioners

Unique study atmosphere

Well-equipped laboratories


Flexible curriculum

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Proprietary web services