PRICE Economics Study Group


Academic Advisor:

Borys Makary, PhD
PRICE Economics Study Group – Progressive Responsible Innovative Cohesive Economics. The idea of creating the Study Group was born among first-year full-time students of WSZiB. The Study Group was established on November 09, 2022. Currently, the Study Group has over a dozen active members.

The Study Group’s current board of directors:

President: Martyna Jakubiec
Secretary: Dominika Koszany

The scope of the Study Group’s activities:

The goal of the study group is to expand knowledge of economic sciences and apply theoretical knowledge to real decision-making relating to various fields of business entities.

The main interest of the group is the discipline of economics, particularly the subject of new economy, and the challenges facing economies in the future related to the robotization of industry or the introduction of artificial intelligence algorithms. The Study Group specifically dedicated to the complex processes of technological transformation affecting the shape of future economies (Industry 4.0).

An important goal of the group’s activities is to prepare members to participate in conferences, workshops, seminars, lectures, and competitions organized both at WSZiB and other universities, and to exchange views with other Study Groups and scholars.

The Economics Study Group is a place for the free exchange of ideas relating to current events both in Poland and worldwide and the resulting challenges facing modern economics. It brings together passionate people and enables them to develop in the field of their interests.

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