Marketing Study Group


Joanna Brandys, MA, Eng. – MA, Eng.

The Marketing Study Group is made up of a group of active people who are interested in marketing issues and want to develop their skills and deepen their knowledge in this field.
The meetings can be attended by any student of WSZiB in Cracow.

The main objectives of the Group’s activities are:

  • expanding students’ knowledge of marketing,
  • active participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops,
  • improving the ability to work in a team during project execution,
  • bringing together students with common interests.

The Group’s meetings feature discussion and workshops. The issues raised, which often go beyond marketing issues, require the use of an interdisciplinary approach in evaluating the problems presented. All participants have an influence on the topics raised and the form of the meetings. The work program of the Study Group is flexible and largely depends on the ingenuity and active participation of students.

Meetings of the Marketing Study Group are usually held once a month. The meeting schedule can be found in the class schedule of the group’s supervisor (Joanna Brandys, MA, Eng.)

The Marketing Study Group, since its establishment, has been both a participant and organizer of numerous events. Among the most important events organized by the Marketing Study Group are:

  • a series of workshops in secondary schools (high schools and technical schools of economics) “You too can present your school” November 2010-April 2011,
  • workshops during the Open Day of WSZiB.

Since 2010, the Marketing Study Group has participated in the International Seminar of Study Groups held annually in Olsztyn. The seminar is interdisciplinary in nature and aims to showcase the achievements of student scientific groups affiliated with universities. The research projects presented at the Seminar by students of the Marketing Study Group receive high rankings and awards every year. Since 2019, the Marketing Study Group has been taking part in the annual Student Scientific Sessions of WSZiB. The seminar has an interdisciplinary character, and its purpose is to present the achievements of student scientific groups operating at WSZiB.
If you are interested in the subject of marketing, have questions, concerns, or suggestions, want to pursue your interests by participating in research projects and have the opportunity to present achievements at conferences and seminars become a member of the Marketing Study Group.

Study Group’s Achievements:

  • October 2006 – Participation in the Student Conference: “Economic Science in Student Research – Experiences and Strategies.”
    The conference was accompanied by a peer-reviewed publication, which included, among other things, articles prepared by attendees of the Marketing Study Group.
  • May 2009 – preparation of a crossword puzzle, which was published in Multis Multum,
  • May 2010 receiving the third prize in the panel of economic sciences for a paper Shockvertising – provocation in advertising at the XXXIX International Seminar of Study Groups organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
  • June 2010 – participation in a training trip to Warsaw organized by the Corporate Financial Management Study Group – visiting the Mint of Poland (Mennica Polska), the Stock Exchange and the headquarters of the National Bank of Poland.
  • November 2010 – April 2011 – conducting a series of marketing workshops in high schools and technical schools of economics titled “You too can present your school.”
  • March 2011 – preparing and conducting a workshop on SWOT analysis during the Open Day of WSZiB.
  • May 2011 – winning second place in the marketing and management panel for a research project titled “Can nudity sell anything?” at the XL International Seminar of Study Groups organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
  • May 2011 – honorable mention for a paper entitled “Forms of motivating young employees in a production enterprise” at the Second International Scientific Conference organized by the Association for Active Support of the Economy in Wroclaw.
  • May 2012 – honorable mention in the panel of marketing and management for the research project entitled “Impact of advertising on consumer behavior” at the XLI International Seminar of Study Groups organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
  • April 2016 – winning first place in the economics panel, marketing section for a research project titled “Social advertising or shock advertising – analysis of the Adrian brand advertising campaign”, at the XLV International Seminar of Study Groups organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
  • April 2018 – an honorable mention in the economics panel, marketing section for a research project entitled “Crowdfunding as a form of alternative financing” at the XLVII International Seminar of Study Groups organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
  • April 2017-Meeting with Karolina Ochala from the creative agency Bee On Tree as part of the opening of the series “Meetings with Marketing”
  • September 2020 – winning first place in the panel of economic sciences for a paper entitled “Marketing of the senses as a concept of multisensory influence on the consumer” at the XLIX International Seminar of Study Groups organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
  • March 2022 – preparation and conduct of the workshop concerning the topic Marketing of the Senses and giving a lecture “Social media marketing” during the Open Day of WSZiB
  • December 2022 – organizing, together with the Student Government, a Christmas workshop, and a lecture by a representative of the Study Group on how to promote and quote handicrafts.
  • March 2023 – preparation and conduct of the workshop concerning the topic Marketing of the Senses and giving a lecture “Social media marketing” during the Open Day of WSZiB

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