Cyber Security Study Group


Mentor of the study group:
MA, Eng. – Marcin Henclik

Study Group description:

“The Cyber Security Study Group” brings together active Students of WSZiB in Cracow who are interested in the general subject of security of networks and computer systems, all kinds of attacks, cryptography and network devices and their corresponding applications.
Any interested person who is an active student at WSZiB may become a member of the study group.

The idea behind the study group:

Building a perfect IT infrastructure is impossible in practice, there are always errors that lead to serious consequences for its users. For this reason, we established our “Cyber Security” study group, where we focus on learning about, analyzing and resolving security conflicts that systematically occur in the IT industry.

Action Plan:

At our meetings we learn about the various types of IT security used from home networks to commercial servers, we learn about the issues related to attacks that have occurred or are occurring and their organization as well as methodologies to protect against them. An important part of the study group is also the organization of various workshops and meetings with interesting personalities who can share their experience. This allows those tying their future to cybersecurity to learn more about the topic, grow in the field, and learn all sorts of methods to create better secured systems.

Examples of topics discussed during the meetings:

  • Designing ICT systems and applications with security in mind
  • Safety assessment methods and hazard control
  • Computer viruses, malware, and protection against their attacks
  • Penetration testing with specialized tools
  • Cryptography

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