Studia Podyplomowe Coaching – Associated Certiefied Coach (ACC Portfolio Coach – Specific Training Requirements).
The study programme prepares the students to be able to conduct both business coaching sessions and other varieties of coaching according to the holistic model, including group (team coaching).
The vast majority of classes are workshop-style classes based on modern adult learning methods (roughly 20% theory vs. 80% practice). Students co-create the curriculum through their active participation and practical experience regarding “real-life” situations. This allows them to learn how to conduct coaching sessions, but also to experience coaching sessions from the customer point of view.
In addition to the knowledge and skills, a great emphasis is placed on shaping a professional attitude based on the standards of the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics.
Hence, during the learning process, a huge importance is given to the moral aspect. We dispel any doubts and misunderstandings that have arisen as a result of misinformation in the communities interested in coaching.
Thanks to the workshop style of our classes, the participants learn how to recognise the potential inherent in other people, bring out their strengths and solve problem situations by using creative thinking and acting strategies.
What should be of great interest to our future graduates, is the comprehensive combination of many different coaching varieties. Apart from standard “face to face” coaching, we also teach team coaching using atypical techniques, such as elements related to alpinism. As a result, our study programme is a great developmental course that lasts many months. This kind of work allows the group process to be set in motion and experienced in a full and very valuable way. Relationships between students often develop into mature friendships that last long after graduation.
Check out this video presentation of the programme, prepared by our alumni: http://youtu.be/RPBdnCGYCsQ
Course objectives:
- Postgraduate studies in coaching at WSZiB prepare their students comprehensively to become a coach in accordance with the standards of the International Coach Federation.
- They enable the ICF accreditation through the Portfolio path and meet the ICF’s Associated Certified Coach criteria (ACC Portfolio Coach – Specific Training Requirements).
- They are based on the code of ethics and the 11 ICF core competencies of coaching.
- The programme lasts 22 training days and sessions take place on the weekends (200 didactic hours).
- They are conducted by a team of ACC and PCC ICF accredited coaches with many years of experience in conducting business training and coaching sessions.
- At the end of the programme, there is a mentor coaching session, which is required for ICF accreditation.
The study programme is addressed to:
- Future coaches wishing to apply for accreditation with the International Coach Federation (ICF).
- People who want to work as coaches in accordance with the standards of ICF Poland.
- All the students who are interested in working as a coach and willing to work according to the standards of the largest and most reputable coaching federation in the world – International Coach Federation.
- People who are interested in coaching and use coaching in their professional or private life as a tool for motivating others and supporting their development.
- Executives, managers, leaders, business owners.
- Human Resources department employees.
- All the people who are interested in the topic of personal development and who work with people in the context where building relationships and trust is key to performance and effectiveness (psychologists, sociologists, educators, therapists).
The study programme teaches primarily coaching practice. Upon completion of the studies, the graduates will be confident in using coaching tools and techniques. The competencies acquired in the course of the studies will facilitate communication with others, building relationships and trust not only in professional but also in private life.
Those seeking to obtain the ICF accreditation after graduation, gain measurable benefits:
The benefits of hiring an accredited coach for the customer:
- You are assured that the coach has completed professional training recognised by the largest coaching organization in the world and in accordance with the highest global standards.
- The coach has undergone at least a 10-hour mentoring program.
- The coach’s sessions were listened to by at least 2 other experienced colleagues to ensure that they maintain professional standards.
- The coach has conducted at least 100 hours of coaching, out of which 80 were paid, which means that the customers chose this coach and wanted to pay for their services.
- The coach takes advantage of various forms of continuing education and is obliged to do so by the ICF, and may use many forms of developing their competences according to the current needs.
- A customer may access the confirmation of a coach’s accreditation on the ICF Global and ICF Poland websites if the coach in question is a member of this organisation. It is considered as a form of recommendation.
- A coach provides their coaching services in accordance with the code of ethics developed by the ICF; if a client has doubts about the ethical attitude of a coach, they can report those doubts to the ICF, in critical situations a coach may lose their accreditation.
The benefits of being an accredited coach:
- You definitely have more credibility on the market (see above).
- Thanks to mentoring, you have the opportunity to learn about your strengths and weaknesses.
- Thanks to ICF offer, you can evolve through professional training.
- You can perform coaching services worldwide thanks to ICF standards.
- You have access to the latest research and information.
- He has the opportunity to ask for support from experienced colleagues and share concerns.
- You may attend many ICF signature events, trainings, workshops and conferences.
Certified ICF (PCC), ICC coaches. Psychologists and managers with many years of business experience. Tutors and practitioners of neuro-linguistic programming.
- Establishing the rules of coaching cooperation (ICF competency 1 and 2)
- Co-creating relationships (ICF competencies 3 and 4)
- Effective communication (ICF competencies 5, 6 and 7)
- Supporting learning process and success (8, 9, 10 and 11 ICF competencies)
- In-depth work related to beliefs and values
- Brief-Solution Focused Therapy (BSFT)
- Team coaching
Form of assessment
- Oral examination
- Thesis defence
- Active participation in class
- Tests
Total fee: PLN 4500 or 4 equal, interest-free instalments (including PLN 100 reservation fee)
Bank account number: 61 1440 1127 0000 0000 0193 3148
- On-campus sessions: Saturday – Sunday
- Number of months: 10
- Number of hours: 200
- Number of sessions: 11
Alumni feedback
“I have learned the techniques and methods of conducting coaching sessions and defining customer needs. I recommend these studies because I like the way in which the classes and the lecturers are held.
I am now more aware of myself and of other people. At the beginning of my studies, I was a person searching for solutions in relationships. Now I know how to take care of those relationships and how to take care of myself. These studies have been a learning experience and an adventure for me. It was a good experience.”
“I’ve learned to accept my emotions, and most of all, to recognise that they exist, whereas before, I used to bury them deep. These studies help you to look inside yourself, to explore self-awareness, self-esteem and yourself. After learning in a natural and authentic way, we are able to influence the world around us. Today I am a conscious woman: happy and sad, rebellious and dreaming, crazy and accepting of my moods and emotions. Today, I control the way I influence others. At the beginning these studies, my main question was: Who am I and why am I not in control of my emotions? I received answers to those questions.”
“During these studies, I learned to open myself to new experiences. I learned about the tools and the principles of coaching. These tools can help you in your everyday life. I also learned how to work in a team. Coaching at WSZiB is a good choice for people who are looking for new perspectives and self-development. I think that a change has happened inside me and it will keep maturing gradually.”