Recommendations from students and alumni


Computer Science is a great life adventure, and my studies at WSZiB have given it not only a solid foundation but also a practical dimension. Modern hardware and software, as well as excellent academic staff focusing on real-life applications of computer science translate directly into a high level of education appreciated by employers. But beware, studying at WSZiB may result in an immediate, trouble-free employment and fast-moving professional career!:) That is exactly what happened in my case, I am currently working for CD Projekt RED – a team creating computer games (currently Wiedzmin 2 for Xbox360 consoles).

Krzysztof Krzyscin

CD Projekt RED

Computer Science graduate

Thanks to qualified academic staff, a degree in Computer Science   at The School of Banking and Management in Cracow allows you to gain a comprehensive knowledge of software engineering, algorithms and data structures, computer networks and the structure of complex information systems. This degree has allowed me to get off to a good start into the future.

In the final year of my Engineer’s degree, I started my first job as a programmer at SoftwareMind. The knowledge and skills I gained prepared me very well to graduate with honours from the Master’s degree in Computer Science at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Electronics. Moreover, during my Master’s studies I wrote a thesis and an academic publication that was presented at the Cracow Grid Workshop’08 conference.

During my Master’s programme, I started working as a senior programmer at VSoft company.

Currently, I am an employee of Motorola company, where I am growing professionally as a software engineering expert and pursue my professional goals using mostly the skills that I have learned at the School of Banking and Management in Krakow.

Konrad Buła

Motorola Solutions Systems Polska Sp. z o.o.

Computer Science graduate

I have very positive memories of my studies at WSZiB. Studying Computer Science at WSZiB gave me a thorough basis and prepared me for further studying and development. The most valuable aspect of my studies was the opportunity to learn from a knowledgeable and diverse academic faculty as well as from fellow students.

I started my professional career almost immediately after obtaining my Engineer’s degree. The knowledge I gained at university enabled me to actively contribute from the very beginning to the development of my team, which within a few years translated into promotions and reinforcing my position in the company.

Computer Science programme at WSZiB is a serious alternative to state universities. In terms of teaching content the level is equal, whereas the administration staff work much more efficiently!

Konrad Dąbrowski

Bank BPH – IT Expert

Computer Science graduate

Why did I choose the School of Management and Banking?

Before choosing the right university, we checked the rankings of higher education institutions according to “Rzeczpospolita” and “Polityka” newspapers. WSZiB was ranked there as one of the best higher education institutions in Poland. It turned out to be a great choice. I was and am still satisfied with how and what was taught at this university.

What is more, my experience encouraged my sister, Karolina, to take up studies at the same university three years later.

A degree in Management and Marketing definitely helps me in running my family business WIMARK Spółka z o.o. which is part of the WIMED Group. WIMARK deals with horizontal road marking.

I remember WSZiB as a university that leans towards a student, where young people’s views and opinions are respected. The school has a very well-developed information technology system, which is helpful in everyday communication. For me, the most important aspect were the innovative ways of holding lectures, combined with practical activities, rather than just theoretical textbook information. Over the course of my studies I met a lot of interesting people. I still keep in touch with some of them until this day. Thanks to all the knowledge I gained during my studies, I found it easier to start my professional career.

WSZiB – I recommend it to all young people focused on achieving professional and life success.

Anna Dąbczyńska- Sajdak

Management and Marketing graduate

co-owner of WIMARK company.

Looking back, I can say that the decision to study at The School of Banking and Management in Cracow was the right one. These studies certainly helped me to become a licensed stockbroker. Some of the topics required to be mastered for the state broker exam I had already covered during my studies. This contributed greatly to my success.

I received help from my lecturers. They were always there for me to share their knowledge and experience. All the above-mentioned factors allowed me to realize my dream – I was listed as a licensed stockbroker. I currently work as a stockbroker in one of the brokerage houses in Cracow. I am convinced that to a great extent I owe it to this University.

Tomasz Łuka

Finance and Accounting graduate

I am a graduate of the School of Management and Banking in Cracow with a degree in Finance and Accounting.

In my opinion, the  WSZiB can be described in 4 words:

K for KNOWLEDGE – the knowledge you can get at this university is reliable, informative and presented in an interesting way that appeals to students,

R for RESPECT – I never encountered any unkind behaviour from my lecturers, they were always smiling and willing to talk or solve any issues that arose,

F for FRIENDS – thanks to the School of Banking and Management, I met the most interesting people in my life, who are still my friends to this day,

i …

S for SAFETY – the safety of knowing that you have a diploma from one of the best private schools in Poland.

I believe that choosing this university was the right choice and I highly recommend it to everyone.

P.S. The knowledge I gained translates better and better into supporting the development of my family company WIBLASK,  which is a part of the WIMED Group, dealing with the supply of reflective elements.

Karolina Dąbczyńska

Finance and Accounting graduate

Co-owner of WIBLASK company

It is my pleasure hold a diploma from the School of Management and Banking in Cracow. Today, as an “experienced” graduate, I find my choice of university and the profile of studies completely accurate.

I have been working professionally for over ten years in local government units of the municipality of Cracow – I was the director of the Board of Municipal Infrastructure and Transportation in Cracow. Studying at the School of Banking and Management allowed me to enrich my field of study, practice and professional experience with contemporary theoretical knowledge on a university level. During my studies I acquired a solid background in management methodology and instruments, the analysis and evaluation of economic processes and economic practice. Currently, I find it very useful and helpful in the daily management of the organisation in the difficult circumstances of market economy, implementation of tasks entrusted to it, shaping its public image, stimulating active involvement and creativity of my co-workers team. My professional achievements and successes until now are, among other things, due to my professional qualifications, which undoubtedly includes the knowledge I gained at WSZiB. That is why I can wholeheartedly recommend WSZiB to all the young people who intend to pursue their studies at university, who are gifted and talented, and who are strongly motivated to acquire knowledge and skills in the broadly defined field of economics.

Joanna Niedziałkowska

Management and Marketing graduate

The President of the Management Board of Municipal Infrastructure and Transportation in Krakow

My name is Elżbieta Titis and I am a second-year student of the second-cycle programme at the School of Banking and Management in Cracow at the Faculty of Management. This University has been present in my life for over five years. It is also here that I completed my Bachelor’s degree with honours at the Faculty of Sociology. The decision to continue my studies at WSZiB was a no-brainer for me. The university has created the most favourable conditions for the development of my skills and knowledge. I have met wonderful lecturers here (not only at my faculty) who have been very supportive and kind to me over the course of my studies. I did not have to wait long for the first positive outcomes. I was quickly noticed by the University staff and they showed their appreciation for my efforts by awarding me the scholarship for best students and the Rector’s incentive scholarship. Moreover, I received more awards from outside the university: the Scholarship for the Best Students from the Minister of Education and Higher Education and the “Sapere Auso” Scholarship. The maintenance grant that the University granted me already in the first year of my studies was also of great help to me. Thanks to this financial support from University I was able to pay my tuition fees for all the following years of my studies. The crowning achievement of my studies at the School of Management and Banking was receiving an award in the Aleksander Gudzowaty national competition for the best BA thesis in the field of broadly defined business studies. I am currently participating in the Erasmus exchange programme in the UK, where I am conducting an independent research project at the University of Manchester. I would like to dedicate all these professional successes to the School of Management and Banking – the University that has provided me with so many opportunities. I experienced it myself that WSZiB is a university that truly respects the students and can be a great mentor for them. It is with pleasure and without a tinge of a doubt that I would like to recommend WSZiB to anyone who, like me, strives for personal and professional growth in life.

Elżbieta Titis

Management student, second-cycle programme

Sociology graduate

For me, when I think of the School of Management and Banking, I first and foremost think of a team of professional lecturers, always eager to help with student projects. It is the kindness of experienced University staff that makes studying Computer Science here such a pleasure. And… students get really god results!

Anna Golik

Computer Science graduate

Studying at WSZiB was an opportunity for me to gain comprehensive practical and theoretical knowledge of finance and accounting.

This knowledge allows me to effectively create and then manage EU projects (both “soft” and investment projects).

The opportunities that the University provides in terms of academic activities (academic journals, conferences) also allow students to continue their academic careers during doctoral programmes. For many years, I was also the editor of the student newspaper called “Multis Multum.” These experiences were priceless  to me.

Bartosz Banduła

Finance and Banking graduate

Doctoral student at the University of Economics, assistant coordinator for EU projects

I have very fond memories of my studies at WSZiB, not only with regard to the nice atmosphere and the great cooperation with the lecturers, but also thanks to the wonderful peer students.

Thanks to perfectly developed curricula, very high academic level and great technical facilities, the studies allowed me to gain the knowledge that was necessary to graduate and, at the same time, also useful in my job. With a clear conscience, I am proud to recommend my university to all prospective students.

Ursula Stochel

Financial Management graduate, second-cycle programme

Vice Starost of the Cracow County

The School of Management and Banking in Cracow is a modern and dynamic university with an interesting educational offer. When choosing my degree programme, the main criterion was the practicality of the content and classes taught by outstanding professors.

What was extremely important for me in the process of studying, was the fact that the University was well-organized and that it had an individual approach to students, which allowed me to simultaneously develop my professional career. Currently, as the Mayor of Wieliczka, I know how to skilfully apply the knowledge I gained during my studies at the EU Funds Management programme. Nowadays, the Wieliczka Municipality is implementing over a dozen of projects important for its development (including the projects related to revitalisation, sewage system, integrated public transport, etc.) thanks to over 100 million PLN of EU subsidies. The principle of good planning is one of my biggest takeaways from my studies at this university.

Good atmosphere, a mixture of students from different business and government environments, openness and the opportunity to pursue your interests –  that’s how I remember my studies at the School of Management and Banking in Cracow.

Artur Koziol

Mayor of Wieliczka City and Municipality

I have been working for Sobiesław Zasada Capital Group since December 1995, I started working there shortly after I finished secondary school.

My career trajectory has been quite dynamic, as I have virtually climbed
all the steps of the career ladder over 16 years.

At the age of 21 I became the Head of the Spare Parts Department at Mercedes, then at the age of 27 I was appointed the Branch Manager of HSK Data, and then at the age of 31 I was appointed the President of the Management Board and the CEO of the newly founded HSK Auto company, the brand dealer for Seat and the distributor for two large German companies. I am currently the president of a limited liability company, the general partner of a limited partnership, and serve on the Board of Directors of a sulphur-related joint-stock company.

I keep very fond memories of WSZiB and I have lots of respect for this university.

When I decided to study at this university, I was somewhere in the midst of my professional career, at which time I realised that despite my great professional experience, I lacked specialised theoretical knowledge.

I analysed many programmes and universities, but in the end I chose Management and Marketing at WSZiB and I still think that it was a good decision.

What drew me in was the modern infrastructure and very experienced teaching staff who had business experience in addition to their academic degrees.

The lectures were held at a very high level. They were often combined with case studies and these experiences were transferable to our professional fields. The curriculum was aligned with the current situation and prevailing business trends.

The academic staff were open to our questions and various types of discussions, and the ambiance in the dean’s office and among university authorities was exceptionally student-friendly.

Today, in hindsight, I can say that my current professional development would not have been possible to such an extent had it not been for my studies at WSZiB.

I recommend this university to everyone who wants to get to know the business world “from the backstage” and to those who want to get a really practical training, based on solid foundations, in comfortable conditions and friendly atmosphere.

I have recommended this university to many people and I will continue to do so as I am very happy that I graduated there

Piotr Luty

Management and Marketing graduate

President of HSK Auto

General partner of Elcamp Limited Partnership


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 or check out the Admissions Office

Documents – enrolment

First-cycle studies

  • questionnaire
  • confirmation of the enrolment fee payment of PLN 85 (title of payment: name and surname)
  • a photocopy of the baccalaureate (secondary school final exam) diploma – may be submitted at a later date;  candidates with the „old Polish baccalaureate” diploma must also submit a photocopy of the secondary school leaving certificate and the originals for reference
  • two photographs (35×45 mm) showing a person in  a frontal position without a hat on, on a light background (the same as ID card photos)
  • ID card (for reference).


Second-cycle studies

  • questionnaire
  • confirmation of the enrolment fee payment of PLN 85 (title of payment: name and surname)
  • a photocopy of the baccalaureate (secondary school final exam) diploma – may be submitted at a later date;  candidates with the „old Polish baccalaureate” diploma must also submit a photocopy of the secondary school leaving certificate and the originals for reference
  • a photocopy of the university degree diploma and the originals for reference
  • two photographs (35×45 mm) showing a person in  a frontal position without a hat on, on a light background (the same as ID card photos)
  • ID card (for reference).
Admissions office


Admissions Office
al. Kijowska 14,
Office No. 105, 1st floor

tel. 012 635 68 05

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM                           Sunday: closed

+(48) 12 635 68 20

Payment office

+(48) 12 635 68 08

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: closed

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