Social grant

  • Available for full-time and part-time students, starting from the first year of study.
  • The grant may be awarded to a student who is in a difficult financial situation, if the average monthly income per person in the student’s family does not exceed 1.60 of the sum of the amounts specified in Article 5, paragraph 1 and Article 6, paragraph 2, point 3 of the Act of November 28, 2003 on family benefits (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 390, as amended). The amount is PLN 1,294.40.
  • In a situation where a student whose monthly income per person in the family does not exceed the amount specified in Article 8, paragraph 1, point 2 of the Act of March 12, 2004 on Social Welfare, (currently PLN 600) does not attach to the application for a social grant a certificate from a social welfare center or social services center on the use of social welfare benefits by him or her or by members of his or her family in the year of submitting this application, the rector refuses to grant a social grant.
  • The grant is awarded for a period of one semester.
  • The scholarship is granted upon written application by the student. The application must be accompanied by all documents confirming the student’s financial and family situation.
  • In particularly justified cases, a student may receive an increased social grant.
  • The social grant is offered for first degree studies, second degree studies, long-cycle Master’s degree programme, for a total of 12 semesters, regardless of the student’s any other benefit collection. Within this period, the social grant is eligible for:
    • first degree – for no longer than 9 semesters,
    • second degree – for no longer than 7 semesters.

The period of 12 semesters during which a student is eligible for the social grant begins when the student enters university and is first granted rights as a student (for the first-degree program). The period of eligibility for the social grant includes all semesters started by the student at the university, including semesters falling during the period of taking a leave of absence from classes. The exception to this rule are the semesters of any further first-degree studies started or continued after the first bachelor’s, engineer’s or equivalent degree (any other first-degree studies are not counted in the social grant eligibility period).

  • The scholarship is not available to a student who holds a professional degree such as:
    • Master of Science, Master of Engineering or equivalent,
    • Bachelor’s degree, engineer’s degree or equivalent, if they are retaking their first-degree program,
    • obtained abroad.
  •  Agricultural income: as announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office on September 21, 2023, the average income from labor on individual farms from 1 hectare in 2022 amounted to PLN 5,549 (this is the annual income).
    This income is taken into account when determining the monthly per capita income in the family of a student applying for a social grant and student loan.
  • More detailed rules are specified in the Regulations on benefits for students of WSZiB in Cracow.

Application for the social grant SUMMER 2023/2024
Statement – income other than taxable income (Attachment 6)

Statement – taxable income (Attachment 8)

Statement – flat-rate income tax (Attachment 8a)

Statement – health insurance contribution (Attachment 9)

Statement – agricultural holding (Attachment 10)

Statement – child’s school attendance (Attachment 11)

Statement – lack of change in the financial situation of the family (Attachment 12)

Statement – consent of the student’s family members to the processing of personal data GDPR (Attachment 13)

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Dział stypendialny

30-079 Kraków
al. Kijowska 14, pok. 108

tel. +(48) 012 635 68 48

godziny otwarcia:

poniedziałek – piątek: 8.00 – 16.00

soboty dyżurne*: 8:00 – 14:30
*01.03, 08.03, 15.03, 22.03, 29.03, 05.04.2025

niedziela dyżurna*: 9:00 – 14:00
*02.03, 09.03.2025

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