The school was established in 1995. We provide education in the fields of: Computer Science, Applied Computer Science, Management, Finance and Accounting, Logistics, Digital Marketing, Digital Entrepreneurship, Communication and Psychology in Business and Applied Computer Science School also offers postgraduate studies, courses and trainings in accordance with the CISCO Academy and Microsoft AATP programmes.
Studying in Cracow, which is a university city, is a unique opportunity for our students to be in touch with great culture and science in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. For full-time students, the opportunity to interact with peer students from 21 different universities in Cracow that have the total number of 172,840 students, as well as sports, entertainment, and meeting outstanding people provide an opportunity for intellectual advancement alongside their study programme. Many people studying at our School gain solid higher education, which results in quick professional success. Students of part-time programmes find many conveniences in our school (e-learning classes, convenient class timetable, easy communication with lecturers). The modern ICT structure puts us at the forefront of Polish universities. All in all, WSZiB is a School worth studying at.
Authorisations, Accreditations and Certificates
The legal basis for our School’s activities is the entry in the Register of Non-State Higher Education Institutions No. 55 of May 11,1995. and of March 19, 2004.
In 2004, 2010 and in 2015, the State Accreditation Committee gave a positive feedback regarding the first-cycle and second-cycle study programmes in Management, Finance and Accounting, and in 2011 and 2017 regarding Computer Science.
On 22 January 2015, the State Accreditation Committee made a decision about the positive evaluation of the curriculum in the field of Management – first-cycle and second-cycle studies, as well as in the field of Finance and Accounting – first-cycle studies. All the evaluated quality criteria received a very good grade.
In April 2022, the University got a permisssion from the Minister of Education and Science for carrying out three new courses: Digital Marketing (bachelor’s degree), Logistics (enginner’s degree), Finance and Accounting (master’s degree). In December 2022 the University received further permissions – Minister of Education and Science granted WSZiB with the right to carry out studies in Communication and Psychology in Business field. (bachelor’s degree). On February 3rd 2023, based on Minister of Education and Science’s decision, the University got permission to carry out studies in Digital Enterpreneurship field (bachelor’s degree).
In addition, according to the resolution of the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee of October 19, 2023, the Computer Science major received a positive assessment and accreditation for a period of 6 years. On December 27, 2023, the Minister of Science and Higher Education granted permission to the School of Management and Banking in Cracow to establish second-cycle studies with a practical profile in the Applied Informatics major.
The School has its own rich teaching base, a numerous and young academic staff. The financial position of the School is stable, so students can pursue their passions and interests, and lecturers have the appropriate conditions to conduct research. The WSZiB has the highest categories in the parametric evaluation in terms of academic activity. Our educational management is guided by TQM (Total Quality Management) principles. We also have the QUALITY CERTIFICATE awarded by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Cracow. For many years we have occupied leading positions in the rankings of “Polityka”, “Wprost”, “Rzeczpospolita” and “Perspektywa” newspapers.
Students participate in IT projects carried out by the School. WSZiB, as an authorised Pearson VUE examination centre, enables students to obtain international, prestigious certificates in the IT industry. The School also offers the opportunity to take the recognised language exams FCE and TELC (The European Language Certificate).
Academic authorities of the University

Krzysztof Roszczynialski, MA

Borys Makary, PhD

The Vice-Rector for General Issues
Eng, PhD Bohdan Makary

The Vice-Rector for Education
and Scientific Research
associate professor at WSZiB, Aneta Ziółkowska,PhD

The Dean of the Faculty of Management, Finance and Computer Science
associate professor at WSZiB, Bartosz Banduła,PhD

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Management, Finance
and Computer Science
dr Artur Figurski

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Management, Finance
and Computer Science
dr Magdalena Kowalska-Musiał

Vice Dean, Faculty of Management, Finance and Computer Science
BEng, PhD Janusz Majewski

Rector’s Representative
for certification
BEng, PhD Dominika Woźny

Rector’s Representative
for study groups
dr Justyna Michniak-Szladerba
WSZiB Employers’ Council

MA Eng. Wacław Andruszko
The President
Graduate of AGH University of Science and Technology, participant of postgraduate studies and trainings in management, managerial experience in Italy and Denmark, general designer in PCWiG Design Office. For many years the Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cracow.

Piotr Baran
President of PROINS SA, a well-known company in Cracow dealing with construction and sale of apartments. The company has won dozens of awards and recognitions – most recently in 2014: Developer of the Year and Investment of the Year.
Member of the General Council of the Lewiatan Confederation and Vice-President of the Małopolska Employers’ Association.

dr Kazimierz Sedlak
Founder of the first Polish HR consulting company Sedlak & Sedlak (1990), publisher of the first Polish salary report (1997), creator of four internet portals (,,, wskaź, author of many HR publications and books devoted to Human Resource Management. A member of international societies. Marathon runner.
School mission
The School mission is to provide students with the methodological and intellectual foundations for work in the business world and in a modern knowledge-based economy society
The knowledge and qualifications that we teach are necessary for the participation in society’s development and for creating an innovation-based economy, but they also provide the ability to apply them in the future.
The greatest concern of all the employees of our School is the future of its graduates, including their professional careers, which are supposed to be built on the basis of some specific professional and social skills.