Accounting Study Group


Mentor of the study group:
Piotr Ziarkowski, PhD

Study Group Board:
President of the Study Group: Małgorzata Biel
Vice President of Promotion:Małgorzata Biel
Vice President of Education: Natalia Job
Vice President of Research: Kacper Stabryła-Tatko

Board of experts:
Zofia Wydymus, MA
Wiesław Samitowski, PhD

Objectives of the study group:

We are a new Accounting Study Group that started its activities in October 2021. The main objective of the Accounting Study Group is to expand knowledge, skills and competence in accounting, finance, taxation, and the implementation of new technologies in the financial and accounting processes. Members of the Study Group take care of strengthening the integration of the University community and its promotion in the non-academic environment, such as companies, high schools etc. In addition to expanding knowledge, the purpose of the Accounting Study Group is to show the practical dimension of accounting and its role in the creation of managerial information through active cooperation with the business community in the form of, among other things, organizing meetings with representatives of enterprises.
The Accounting Study Group is a student organization at the School of Management and Banking.

Research fields:

Within the scope of scientific activities, members of the group conduct scientific research in the following areas:

  • modern approaches in accounting,
  • the importance of business valuation in the modern market economy,
  • the issue of valuing intangible assets,
  • the role of own capital in the creation of enterprise value,
  • the issue of valuation, record keeping and taxation of international transactions,
  • the importance of financial reporting in shaping managerial information in modern companies,
  • financial reporting in small and medium-sized businesses,
  • the role of non-financial reporting in shaping information about the company’s operations,
  • the importance of auditing in legitimizing the activities of listed companies,
  • the role of budgeting in the implementation of the management function,
  • the evolution of the accounting profession,
  • the importance of modern technologies in the implementation of financial and accounting processes in global enterprises,
  • customer value in the management of modern financial and accounting services in BPO and SSC centers,
  • promotion of financial and accounting services as professional services.

Academic and practical activities:

The culmination of the conducted scientific research consists of scientific publications in academic notebooks of the School of Management and Banking in Cracow and other important scientific journals.
Members of the Study Group actively participate in Student Scientific Conferences during which they present the results of their scientific research and organize Oxford debates. In addition to their research activities, members of the study group ensure that the practical dimension of accounting is shown by organizing meetings with accounting practitioners.


Members of the Accounting Study Group are ready to organize workshops on accounting for WSZiB Students and High School Students.

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