19 Jul '22
We offer 23 postgraduate study programmes for higher education diploma holders. It is a simple path to boost your qualifications, develop your current skills and gain new areas of expertise. As a part of our study programme, our team of practitioners provides students with specialised, yet practical knowledge from a given field!
Our offer includes 23 study programmes from the fields of:
- Computer Science,
- Management,
- Human Resource Management,
- Finance and Law,
- Healthcare.
Invest in yourself and boost your chances on the job market!
The enrolment for postgraduate study programmes is underway!
Fill out the online form and enrol to a study programme online via the following website: https://www.wszib.edu.pl/rekrutacja/. Then, at a convenient time, visit our WSZiB Admissions Office in Cracow at al. Kijowska 14 (1st floor).