Taxes, accounts receivables and accounts payable


Description of the scope of training

Taxes, accounts receivable and accounts payable is currently one of the fastest growing departments related to corporate finance. The specialisation “taxes, accounts receivables and accounts payable” is our response to the demand for specialists in this field.

What will you learn?

Graduates of this educational path will have the specialised knowledge of finance and accounting, which will allow them to work independently in the areas, such as valuation of receivables, securitisation processes, receivables management, or M&A law. Within this specialisation, graduates will develop skills related to the use of modern integrated financial systems, tax accounting, business valuation or public and legal settlements.

Your educational pathway

Graduates of this specialisation are prepared to work in the finance and accounting department of any company or to work as a business consultant in consulting companies. The acquired competences will also enable our students to run an independent consulting activity in the area of finances, taxes, management of restructuring processes or due diligence analyses.

Future job prospects

Graduates are qualified to work in:

  • finance and accounting departments of different companies,
  • in entities that provide tax consulting services,
  • consulting companies preparing financial and strategic analyses, valuations, M&A processes,
  • in the accounting sector (as accounting specialists dealing with accounting for public-law liabilities),
  • valuation of assets and liabilities specialist.

I Rok
  • Business Development, Industrial Property and Copyright Protection 2 ECTS
  • Advanced Economics 6 ECTS
  • Monetary Policy 3 ECTS
  • Financial Reporting Standards 4 ECTS
  • Valuation of Company Shares and Equity Interests 4 ECTS
  • Modern Banking Market 3 ECTS
  • Advanced Financial Accounting 4 ECTS
  • Financial Engineering 4 ECTS
  • Scope of training
II Rok
  • Business English/Wirtschaftsdeutch 2 ECTS
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 2 ECTS
  • Financial Law 3 ECTS
  • Sustainable Development Finance 3 ECTS
  • Apprenticeship 15 ECTS
  • Selected topics of behavioral finance 2 ECTS
  • Discriminant Tools for Financial Analysis 3 ECTS
  • Scope of training

The reasons to study second-cycle programme in Management at the WSZiB in Cracow

Our own intranet platforms

Our own intranet platforms

Modern IT tools

Modern IT tools

Practice-oriented training

Practice-oriented training

Professional teaching staff

Professional teaching staff

Professional career

Professional career

Unique study atmosphere

Unique study atmosphere

Opportunities to study abroad

Opportunities to study abroad

Are you interested in our offer?

Do not hesitate, choose WSZiB and take care of your future


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See also other scopes of training

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