Finance in multinational corporations


Description of the scope of training

This is a unique learning module that addresses the needs of multinational corporations! With us, you will get a training under the guidance of the executives from major financial institutions. During your studies, we will show you how to combine the educational canon from the field of economics and finance with the tools that are necessary to work in contemporary multinational corporations and shared service centres.

This study programme is financed by our partners, AON and Jacobs, so it is free of charge. Students also receive an internship stipend for working in the corporation. 

What will you learn?

Studying this module, you will acquire the knowledge of process management in the areas of finance and accounting, which translates into competences in streamlining business processes in shared/outsourcing service centres. As a student, you will develop the ability to identify financial flows in terms of international operations of a business entity.

You will also learn how to effectively manage risk, secure international transactions and manage growth on a global scale. You will gain valuable work experience and develop the abilities related to working in an international environment already during your studies, plus you will become fluent in English.

All of this will happen on two levels, one of them being School classes and the other one being internships in corporations.

Your educational pathway

  • Procure to pay
  • Record to report
  • Order to cash
  • Reporting in management accounting
  • Economic law in international accounting
  • Process improvement, automation, robotisation, digitalization

Future job prospects

Acquiring the above-mentioned knowledge and skills will allow you to work in companies operating in Poland, those conducting their business abroad or planning to do so, as well as in international companies.

Graduates of these studies have the knowledge that will enable them to pursue a career in the shared services/ outsourcing sector that is rapidly growing in Cracow, particularly in financial analysis and financial audit departments.

I Rok
  • Język obcy 5 ECTS
  • Planowanie kariery zawodowej / Podstawy wiedzy o rynku pracy 2 ECTS
  • Informatyka 6 ECTS
  • Ekonomia 4 ECTS
  • Matematyka 4 ECTS
  • Podstawy pracy projektowej 3 ECTS
  • Rachunkowość 8 ECTS
  • Prawo 4 ECTS
  • Podstawy zarządzania 4 ECTS
  • Etyka menedżera / Antropologia kultury 2 ECTS
  • Psychologia / Socjologia 3 ECTS
  • Statystyka 3 ECTS
  • Podstawy nauki o finansach 2 ECTS
  • Bankowość 4 ECTS
  • Prawo gospodarcze 2 ECTS
  • Matematyka finansowa 4 ECTS
II Rok
  • Język obcy 5 ECTS
  • Podstawy ekonometrii 4 ECTS
  • Finanse przedsiębiorstw 8 ECTS
  • Informatyka ekonomiczna 4 ECTS
  • Analiza finansowa 6 ECTS
  • Rachunkowość finansowa 4 ECTS
  • Komputerowe narzędzia wspomagania rachunkowości 5 ECTS
  • Wprowadzenie do metodologii badań ekonomicznych 2 ECTS
  • Seminarium dyplomowe
  • Praktyka zawodowa 29 ECTS
  • Rynki finansowe 3 ECTS
  • Zakres kształcenia
  • Zarządzanie ryzykiem 4 ECTS
  • Praktyka zawodowa
  • Ochrona własności intelektualnej / Prawo komputerowe 2 ECTS
  • Wychowanie fizyczne
  • International Accounting Standards / IFRS 2 ECTS
  • Seminarium dyplomowe
  • Procesy stochastyczne w badaniu rynków finansowych 4 ECTS
  • Ubezpieczenia w działalności gospodarczej 2 ECTS
  • Zakres kształcenia

The reasons to study Finance and Accounting at the WSZiB in Cracow

Dual education project

Dual education project

Specialized software

Specialized software

Practice-oriented training and professional career

Practice-oriented training and professional career

Our own intranet platforms

Our own intranet platforms

Modern IT tools

Modern IT tools

Professional teaching staff

Professional teaching staff

Unique study atmosphere

Unique study atmosphere

Opportunities to study abroad

Opportunities to study abroad

Are you interested in our offer?

Do not hesitate, choose WSZiB and take care of your future


 or check out the Admissions Office

See also other scopes of training

Admissions office


Admissions Office
al. Kijowska 14,
Office No. 105, 1st floor

tel. 012 635 68 05

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM                           Sunday: closed

+(48) 12 635 68 21

Payment office

+(48) 12 635 68 08

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: closed

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